So I am about to spread my wings a bit on this blogging thing and set-up a new "page" that is devoted to my son. Here is where I can post my monthly letters to him, see 2 Years, 2 Months & 2 Days if you are lost on what I am talking about. I can also use this page to talk about all the cute and wonderful things he does (or doesn't do) and keep it "organized" from the rest of my crazy randomness. It's my basic understanding that adding a new "page" just allows you to organize your blog so its a bit more user friendly. I guess you guys will have to tell me how "user friendly" it is. lol
I am so virginal when it comes to blogging its scary .. mostly because I haven't been virginal about much of anything in life - YIKES. I have a, umm lets just call him, a friend that is super computer geeky smart style that could probably sit with me and teach me all sorts of crap about this here endeavor but apparently I have pissed him off. Last time I checked, he rated it as an 8 on a scale of 1-10 - 10 being livid. Oops! Sad part is I would apologize in a heartbeat if I knew what he was upset about but since he is choosing the silent treatment method of dealing with this problem, you guys will all have to suffer through my trial and error ways of managing my blog.
So here I go .. ready, set, BLOG!