Please tell me I am not the only one who remembers Arcino Hall???? I think that is who started the "Things that make you go hmmmm" many moons ago???
Oh well, any-who ..
I am not sure about the rest of you but on my Google reader I get a gazillion "quotes of the day". Remember back in the day where you had a little desk calendar that gave you your quote for the day?? You were stuck with that quote no matter how much you didn't like it or no matter who little sense it made to your current situation(s)?? That is why I really enjoy the Google "quotes of the day" because you can look through many quotes and find the one that motivates you, makes you laugh, makes you think, or makes you mad - whatever feeling you are looking for .. you can find it in one of these quotes!
So this little page here is so I can keep organized all the quotes I find that make me feel something that I feel like blogging about. So many of these quotes make me think, or remind me of something that it would be nice to start sharing about them!